Tuesday 25 June 2013

Hey everyone!! So I have a bit of a story to tell you all......
So a few days ago I was walking down the street with my friend Sophia. She, being the interesting person she is was like "HEY EMILY! WHY DONT WE WALK DOWN THAT SCARY AND DANGEROUS LOOKING ALLEY WHERE WE WILL PROBABLY GET RAPED OR MUGGED OR SOMETHING!!" But she used the words "lets go that  way. Me being the wonderful friend I am, went along with it anyways. We started walking and there was this gang of guys. They looked about 20, they had piercings and tatoos and were VERY muscular ;) We quietly walked past, hoping they wouldn't care, but they were following us now. All the sudden Sophia turns around and shouts at the top of her lungs "F**K OFF YOU RETARDS!!! YOU DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRLS!!! and we ran away as fast as possible. I was laughing my head off, which is not unusual, but still it was hilarious :D Sophi you are the best!! :)
Comment on what I should post about next!!!!!! <3


Sunday 9 June 2013

Alright guys!!! I need things to talk about!! So leave me a comment of any kind! Question or topic, serious or silly! I really don't care but my mind is blank! So anything is welcome!! :)

Friday 7 June 2013

Grade nine graduation tomorrow!!!! I'm super excited! Now for those of you who don't know, I'll explain Grad:
So our school every year does a grade-nine-grad as a send off to the grade nines, considering our school goes from kindergarden to grade nine! This year it is at a heritage site about half an hour away from town! We get to dress up all fancy and me and 2 friends are putting on a dance for a friend that is moving. I'm so excited, it's going to be awesome! I love wearing pretty dresses!
Well I guess thats all for now!

Thursday 6 June 2013

So I'm in class right now. Bored out of my mind in english class. Hanging out with my friends, listening to music....... I hate book reports, so much!!  Taylor says she is going to jump off a cliff if she has to do any more english. We will see how the last five minutes of class go. Later!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to put this out there as my first official post :D Hope you enjoy, and I'd love to talk to any one of you :)